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Where to find Storage Boxes for Moving in the Midwest

The decision to relocate stems from a myriad of motivations. Some individuals may place a premium on affordability and a more relaxed lifestyle, while others may be driven by prospects of career growth and exposure to diverse cultural experiences.

In essence, the Midwest’s allure resides in its multifaceted appeal, catering to a broad spectrum of people and families in search of a new beginning or a change of surroundings. With this understanding, the next query naturally arises: Where can you find storage boxes for your impending move

If you are planning a move in the Midwest, you are on the right page. In this blog, we will explore the various options to help you find the best storage boxes to make your move a breeze.

Finding storage boxes for moving in the Midwest can be relatively easy, as there are several options available to you. Here are some places where you can find storage boxes for moving in the Midwest:


  • Home Improvement Stores: Retailers like Home Depot, Lowe’s, Menards, and Ace Hardware typically stock a variety of moving and storage supplies, including cardboard boxes in various sizes.
  • Office Supply Stores: Stores like Staples and OfficeMax often carry sturdy boxes suitable for moving. You can also find packing supplies like bubble wrap and packing tape at these locations.
  • Storage Facilities: Many self-storage facilities offer packing and moving supplies, including boxes. 
  • U-Haul or Other Truck Rental Locations: Companies like U-Haul often sell moving boxes and supplies at their rental locations. 
  • Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, Uline, and eBay offer a wide variety of moving boxes and packing supplies that can be shipped directly to your location.


While storage boxes from traditional sources are typically constructed from cardboard, those seeking a sturdier and more environmentally friendly alternative should consider the option of moving totes and bins.

For residents in the Kansas City, Missouri metropolitan area, Cheetah Crate KC offers a diverse selection of moving storage containers tailored to various sizes, catering to your specific moving needs.

Whether you refer to them as plastic moving boxes, packing crates for moving, moving tubs, moving bins, or totes for moving, all these options share a common goal: simplifying and enhancing your moving experience

Before acquiring storage containers for your move, it’s essential to assess the size and weight of your belongings carefully to ensure you procure the appropriate types and quantities of boxes.

Moving expenses can add up, but Cheetah Crate KC recognizes the significance of affordability. They offer a range of cheap storage totes and bins that won’t break the bank.


What To Put In Storage Bins

Now that you know where to find storage boxes for moving in the Midwest, let’s provide you with essential tips on what to put in these storage bins for a seamless and efficient transition. 

Here’s a list of common items that are typically placed in moving boxes containers when preparing for a move:

  1. Clothing: Store clothes, shoes, and accessories in bins. You can use clothes storage containers with lids to keep them clean and protected.
  2. Bedding and Linens: Pillows, blankets, sheets, towels, and other bedding materials can go in plastic storage bins for moving to keep them clean and dry.
  3. Books: Books are best in heavy-duty storage bins as they can become quite heavy. Ensure the bins are strong and sturdy to handle the weight.
  4. Kitchen Items: Pots, pans, dishes, and utensils can be packed in large storage containers with lock and key, especially those with dividers or adjustable compartments to prevent breakage.
  5. Toys and Games: Children’s toys, board games, and other playthings can be organized and easily transported in tubs for moving.
  6. Electronics: Smaller electronics like DVD players, game consoles, or cables and chargers can be stored in large moving bins, ideally with padding or protection.
  7. Office Supplies: If you have a home office, store items like papers, files, and office supplies in plastic boxes for moving for easy relocation.
  8. Tools and DIY Supplies: Storage totes with wheels and handles are excellent for organizing and transporting tools, screws, nails, and other DIY materials.
  9. Fragile Items: Delicate items like glassware, mirrors, or framed pictures can be wrapped and packed carefully in heavy-duty storage totes with wheels with plenty of padding.
  10. Personal Items: Store sentimental or personal items, like photographs, journals, and mementos, in packing bins for moving to keep them safe and accessible.
  11. Sports Equipment: Plastic totes for moving can also be used for storing sports equipment, including balls, helmets, and protective gear.


Remember to label your moving boxes plastic clearly with their contents and the room they belong to. This labeling will make it much easier to unpack and set up your new home. 

Additionally, use the best storage totes for house move to protect your belongings during the move, and consider using packing materials like bubble wrap, packing paper, and packing peanuts for extra protection when necessary.


What is the Biggest Size Storage Container

The largest size storage containers offered by moving companies typically vary but often come in dimensions of approximately 8 feet wide, 8 feet high, and 20 feet long, providing ample space for furniture, appliances, and numerous boxes.

The biggest tote size is commonly known as a “20-foot shipping container” and is suitable for sizable household moves. Some companies may also offer even larger options, such as 40-foot containers, which are double the length. The choice of the most durable storage bins size depends on the volume of belongings to be transported.


To ensure your move to the Midwest aligns perfectly with your unique requirements and budget, it is crucial to consult with Cheetah Crate KC, the moving company offering a wide range of storage solutions.