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Rent Boxes for Moving House

Moving house ranks up there as one of life’s most exciting yet nerve-wracking adventures. Whether you’re upgrading, downsizing, or simply changing scenery, the task of packing up your life can be daunting.

One of the biggest hassles of moving a home? The boxes. You need them for packing up your life, but they’re not always easy to come by. A house move through traditional methods—think heaps of cardboard boxes, rolls of tape, and bubble wrap—have long been the go-to. But let’s face it, in house moving, they’re not exactly kind to your wallet or the planet. 

Enter the genius of renting moving bins: a solution that’s not just kinder to the earth but also easier on your stress levels and pocket.


Where Can I Get Free Boxes in My Area?

Before we dive into the ins and outs of crate rentals, let’s address a common initial thought among movers: “Can’t I just find free green moving boxes when moving my house?” 

Sure, scavenging boxes from local stores or online marketplaces is a route many take. From the bustling digital streets of Facebook Marketplace to the physical realm of large retailers, liquor stores, and even your local grocery, there are boxes aplenty just waiting to be claimed.

Pharmacies, bookstores, and even the humble coffee shop down the street can be gold mines for sturdy boxes​​​​. And let’s not forget about your online shopping habit – those Amazon boxes can be repurposed for your move​​. So, next time you’re picking up your latte or your latest online order, remember you’re just a question away from securing another box for your move.

However, this approach often leads to stacking cardboard boxes and a mishmash of sizes and durability. This potentially puts your belongings at risk when you move your house.


Best Sizes and How Many Boxes You’ll Need

Here’s a house moving guide for estimating how many crates for rent you need: a general rule of thumb is about 10-12 medium-sized storage totes for moving per room. However, this varies based on your lifestyle. A minimalist might need fewer for rent boxes, while a collector might need more.

The size and number of reusable moving containers you’ll need can vary widely depending on the size of your house and how much stuff you have. While big moving box rentals might seem like the best bet, they’re not always the wisest choice.

Large boxes filled to the brim can become unwieldy and difficult to move. It’s best to have a mix of sizes and to be mindful not to overpack the larger moving bins, especially with heavy items like books​. 

Specialty moving tote rental and house hauling companies offer packages based on home size, simplifying the process and ensuring you have just what you need.


How-To: Best Way to Move House

Renting moving boxes is a breeze. Companies like U-Haul offer box exchange programs, where you can pick up boxes left by others, or you can rent plastic moving boxes from companies, such as Cheetah Crate KC, which specializes in plastic moving boxes rental​​. 

These sturdy, reusable and eco-friendly moving boxes come in standard sizes, making packing, stacking, and moving a cinch. Plus, when you’re done, you just schedule a pickup, and off they go, reducing waste and saving you the headache of disposal.


Essential Tips for Moving Houses

Embarking on a new house move? Here are three solid gold tips for moving homes, to make the journey smoother using trusty moving boxes:

  • Strategize Your Packing: When moving a house, begin by packing items you use less frequently, ensuring essentials are last to go into boxes. This approach minimizes disruption to your daily life and streamlines unpacking when you just moved in. For optimal organization, use labels or color-coding on your boxes, indicating which room they belong to and whether the contents are fragile.
  • Box Size Matters: Carefully move a home by utilizing smaller boxes or moving totes with wheels for heavier items like books to make lifting easier and prevent box breakage. Reserve larger rental crates for moving for lighter, bulkier items such as linens and pillows. This not only makes moving from one house to another easier but also maximizes space in your moving vehicle, ensuring a more efficient move.
  • Keep an Essentials Box: Pack a box rental for moving with necessities you’ll need immediately upon arriving at your new home, including toiletries, a change of clothes, and basic kitchenware. In house moves, this “first-day” box should be last on the truck and first off, providing quick access to essentials after a long day of moving to a new house.


The Move Home: Renting Boxes for Moving

Renting the best storage bins for moving is a smart move. Not only does it save you house move-in costs and the hassle of sourcing boxes, but it’s also kinder to the planet. 

Reusable plastic boxes are sturdy, stackable, and won’t fall apart on you like cardboard can. They’re a cost-effective, eco-friendly solution that makes moving house a little easier and a lot more organized.

So, whether you’re scouring your neighborhood for free boxes or opting for the rental route, remember that moving house doesn’t have to be a drag. With a little creativity and planning, you can pack up your life without breaking the bank or your back.

Here’s to a smooth move and an exciting new chapter in your home sweet (new) home!